Visualizing the Life You Want…and Making it Happen

Ever feel bogged down by your current reality? Worried about the facets of your life that seem a bit out of control? Stuck in a rut of self-pity, while feeling this insatiable desire for more? While this can feel incredibly isolating, you are not alone…

As busy humans, we are juggling A LOT – from our careers, environments, finances, relationships, to physical health and mental wellbeing; the list goes on. It’s easy to get weighed down by everything that lies on our plates. Additionally, when something isn’t going right in one (or many) of these areas, it can be debilitating.

If we are not careful, these ‘less than desirable’ facets of our life can manifest into a relentless negative energy, pulling us deeper and deeper into a dark abyss of disappointment. The more we live in this negative energy, the more we attract it. 

So, how does one get out?

It won’t be easy, and it won’t be instantaneous, but it is possible. It starts with a mindset shift – you must acknowledge your current situation, and then decide that you want to change it. If you don’t want to live in a perpetual state of doom, you don’t have to! At any given moment, you have the power to change your current reality. You are capable of the life you truly desire, and that starts with rewriting your story. 

As Bob Proctor once said, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.” 

Those words could not be more true. 

Our minds are truly the gateway to our dream life. We can mold and craft a reality that can and WILL come to fruition. Because what we truly desire, desires us back. So instead of living, breathing, seeing, and manifesting all the things we want to rid our lives of… we must flip the switch. It begins with intentionally visualizing your dream life.

How to do this?


Start by defining two specific times in your day to meditate. This could be right when you wake up, and right before you fall asleep. The key here is to start and end your day in a positive state. (Remember, like attracts like). Next, fully relax your body, take some deep breaths, and then let your thoughts wander to a beautiful place.

In this place, see all the aspects of your life that you are so grateful for – and fully appreciate them. Then, visualize the life you want to live: the environment you want to be in, the people you want to be with, the ‘things’ you want to have, and the person you want to be. As you visualize these things, it is critical to tap into an energy that aligns you with that. By feeling both physically and mentally what that life will be like, you allow your current reality to experience it. It is critical to visualize as if you are already there, as if you have already attained those dreams. 

In doing this, it will become clear exactly what you want out of your life. While it is ever evolving, you will define it more and more each day. 

With these evolving desires, you should start visualizing more than just twice a day. Ideally, you will visualize all day long. While you are walking, driving, showering, eating…you name it. If and when your thoughts start to stray, or even when something good happens, visualize these dreams becoming a reality. And with that, become your dreams. 

Even though it will become easier to partake in these visualizations over time, you still have to be very intentional about it. Take yourself to that place as often as possible to align with the energy you are meant to be in!

How to visualize your dream life – define your dreams, see them, and feel them. 

Now, the critical part…actually making it happen.

Thoughtful Action

Eventually, you will find that by tapping into this positive and inspiring energy, you will naturally flow into the state of doing. For example, say you want to move into your dream home. Visualize: define the desired outcome, see it happen, and feel it happen. Once you have done this, take action. 

As your mind now believes that you are going to achieve this desire, you just have to do the work. And the work will become easier because your mind knows that with that work you put in, you will receive your desired outcome. 

Thoughtful action in practice – In the case of moving into your dream home, you will start by preparing your financial obligations: saving for a down payment, determining what type of mortgage you can apply for, and working towards those financial goals. Once your finances are in order, you will meet with a real estate agent, define your dream home wishlist, and begin the search until you land your dream home!

The key to actually making it happen: action, action, action!

How to Find Success in Visualization

The end game – well, there isn’t one. Visualization is not a one and done. As our desires continue to change, so must our visualizations. We must continue to see ourselves as an evolving being and realign ourselves to that greater dimension. 

At times it will be tough, but man oh man is it worth it! The key is to continue to see the light at the end; continue to tap into an ascending energy. 

This life I want… I see it, therefore I believe it. It is mine!

Here’s to visualizing, living, and breathing our best lives! May you ascend to a greater dimension, one visualization at a time. 

You’ve got this, my friend!


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