A Message To Young People From The Future

Dear youngsters of the world, more specifically you 20 somethings who are entering the world of career, corporate games, social shenaniganry, political pawnery and every other challenge that awaits your attempt to ascend into the life you want: It’s Going To Be Okay!

I know it can seem like the world in which you are heading into has become filled with landmines, and that the criticality of each step must be measured with precision and carefully analyzed, otherwise you risk offending at least someone somewhere. And you think that won’t be good for you and your journey will suffer because of it. At least that’s how it might feel. Thankfully…it’s WRONG!

I am here to reassure you, it’s all a giant trap! Don’t fall for the propaganda! If you do, you will likely wander decades off your most valuable life pathways, until one day in the distant future you realize you got used and you’ll loathe that you let it happen to yourself. Trust me when I tell you, we all go through this, it’s not the end of the world. “I wish I knew back then what is obvious to me today”, we all say. And that’s always been true.

So it is my foundational belief, at 55, that I can toss back to you the invaluable clarity of wisdom I now have in my life, in an effort to help you “hyperspace” past decades of wandering through self doubt and feelings of powerlessness.

Before we say adieu, here it is. Repeat after me;

I believe in lifting the veil of my current reality and giving myself the permission to enjoy a world of infinite possibilities. There is no greater joy in all of life, than walking MY OWN PATH undeterred by the opinions of others. I will Explore Wildly, Learn Insatiably, Love Magnanimously and Live Epicly!

Think you can say this and mean it? Think you can say this and truly live it out? Well, you’ll see won’t you my friends! The reality you perceive will either be the ghost that haunts you or the ghost that guides you for the rest of your human life.



Jimmy Signature

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